As a Bible-based Christian church, Christian Apostolic Church holds to the teachings found in the Bible. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word and the greatest authority in our lives. We believe in one eternal God, who exists in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe that God’s son, Jesus, was born of a virgin, fully God and man, lived a sinless life, died on a cross, and rose from the dead. We believe He is now seated at the right hand of God until He returns to make everything new. We believe that because of Jesus, we can be forgiven for everything we’ve done wrong and be given the gift of eternal life. To do this, a person must believe that Jesus is God’s son, confess him as Lord of your life, and be baptized. Then, a person is given the gift of the Holy Spirit, who actively works to allow believers to live a Godly life.
We believe in one God, who unconditionally loves all people. He eternally exists in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity is fully and completely God, sharing all of the divine attributes in a perfect loving community.
Matthew 28:19 // John 1:14 // Acts 5:3-4 //
We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the revelation of God to man, giving us absolute rules of faith and conduct. The Bible is a source of strength, direction, and wisdom for those who apply it to their lives.
Mark 1:9- 11 // John 16:7-14 // Hebrews 4:13;
We believe Jesus Christ is the perfect revelation of God to humankind. He is fully God and fully man. He lived a sinless life and died on a cross as a substitute for humanity’s sin. His resurrection from the grave affirms His victory over sin and death.
Matthew 1:18-2:12 // John 1:1-18 // Romans 3:21-26
We believe God created humans in His perfect image. Because of its rebellion, however, all humanity is alienated from God. As a result, humans are incapable of having a relationship with God based solely upon their effort.
Genesis 1:26 // Romans 3:10-18 // Ephesians 2:1-3
We believe that salvation is received through repentance and faith through the blood and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ
Romans 2:23 // James 4:17 // 1 John 1:9
We believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 is given to believers who seek Him. We believe the baptism of the Holy Spirit manifests itself with the evidence of speaking in tongues, and provides spiritual gifts to those who receive Him.
Acts 1:3-8 // Acts 2:1-39 // 1 Corinthians 12:1-11